Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out with Dad & the boats

We'll pretend that was a smile...

What a great day! Today I unexpectedly took the day off - the NICU was overstaffed & Randy was supportive of me taking an extra day to be here at home. I think the fact that he had a busy Saturday at home with Lucy made him thankful to have Mom at home on Sunday! Randy's been doing an incredible job with Lil' Miss Lucy Grace, but it is a tiring day if you're not used to it. So, as for today... I've been waiting for the right time to put Lucy in this adorable outfit from my work friend, Sarah Running - I think it was perfect for the day Randy put the pontoon boat in the water. He's worked for the past year fully restoring this old pontoon boat that came with the home when we bought it almost 5 years ago. We've both been so eager to get out on the water, today was a huge accomplishment for Randy. Lucy just loves being outside, whether rain or shine, cold or warm (don't get much warm these days) - she loves it all. There will be many pictures to come... my good friend Katie (Roberts) Farren, her husband Seth & their daughter Clare (born 8 days after Lucy) are in Olympia visiting for the week! Katie & I are so very excited to get Lucy & Clare together tomorrow!


katy said...

Okay, so I think my kids are beautiful and all but I really do think you hit the jackpot here! She really is by far the most BEAUTIFUL child I have ever laid eyes on. Perfect I tell ya!!! (Or else you have a REALLY GOOD camera!) Glad you had a fun day on the water! So, lets chat this week and pick a night to do dinner. Love ya!

Jocelyn said...

Lucy is soooo beautiful! She is changing so much and I love those cheeks! She looks less and less like Kate these days, but for a while there it was kinda creepy. I hope you have a great day visiting with your friends!