Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tolmie State Park

Wow, this was a perfect afternoon! We discovered a great walking area just 10 minutes or so from our house! I'm sure we'll be back frequently, the scenery was absolutely incredible today with the sunshine & fall beauty. So, the latest on Lucy... We can definitely tell she's growing nicely - 2 weeks ago she was 11lb 2oz & she's definitely chubbier now. She still deals with watery stools, but they're markedly better than they had been. She has a diaper rash (I expected it with the watery stools) & we've been using Dr. Abdullah's Paste (a local doctor's concoction), but it hasn't made that much of a difference. Off & on she's had yeast... And miracle cures? Send them my way. She's also still on Zantac for reflux - she has no problem taking it - just loves the potent mint flavor (strong as an Altoid!). She seems a tad bit more comfortable with the Zantac & her big spit ups are much less frequent. The other meds are no problem as well - enzymes, ABDEK vitamins & salt. We're very thankful that she has no respiratory symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis. I continue to do chest percussion on her 1-2 times daily as a preventative measure. We've heard lots of different bits of information from different people, but one recent positive bit of knowledge was that kids who are started early on pancreatic enzymes (like Lucy at 6 days) have a decrease in their likelihood of developing diabetes. Diabetes is a common problem for kids with CF as their pancreas is damaged from years of working ineffectively. We're happy to hear of the benefits of finding out early, Lucy's kind of the start of a new generation of CF kids - the children of parents who went through genetic testing.
It's crazy to think that 2 months has gone by... it just happens so quickly. We are thoroughly enjoying Lucy's smiles - her social smile is developing at a rapid pace! She's gaining more & more control of her bobble-head daily & is having test runs in her Bumbo seat almost daily, she's almost strong enough to safely be in it. Lucy loves everything about Dr. Sears' "Attachment Parenting" concepts - especially the "baby wearing" part - she's in the Baby Bjorn a major portion of every day. Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend!

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Katie said...

What a beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

hey your pics are great. I just drove through Olympia today and thought it would be great to walk around that lake to get some fall photos...would you like to meet up?Tue or Wed?
Kristi N

kristello said...

You are the absolute best blogger I know! I just love reading your posts and looking at your great pictures. You look amazing and little Lucia Grace is looking so healthy and sweet. I can't wait to see you all!

The Judge Family said...

It is so wonderful to hear how well little Lucy is doing! And wonderful to read the latest on your treatment for her in this new generation of babes with CF. Great photos too! Your family is beautiful!!