Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why do I do this to her?

Lucy says, "Mom, WHAT are you doing?"

"No Mom, I WILL NOT smile!"

"STOP taking my picture!"

"Well, if you let me be on your big bed then I'll smile!"

This is just one of many things I do when waiting for Randy to come home in the evening... Dressing Lucy up in her fun little clothes! Thank you JoLynne Murphy for this cute little outfit! I think the headband would have a whole different effect on a baby without all of Lucy's hair! Too funny!

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Janelle said...

She's so adorable...I too enjoy most to dress Jacob up and take pictures. I'm sure by now he is sick and tired of that flash going off :) I love her pink ruffly little outfit. I'm excited to see you guys this friday. Until then.

Susan said...

Don't worry Christy I was (and still am) a picture crazy mama. Avery only slightly twiches when I bring out the camera!