Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve with Webster's

We feel so lucky to live near both of our parents, it makes it easier to enjoy everyone - especially at Christmas. Since we've been married, we have always spent Christmas Eve with Randy's family & Christmas Day with my family - it works out great. This year, we enjoyed attending the afternoon Christmas Eve Candlelight Service for children at Christ Lutheran Church, it was a wonderful service although I did spend the majority of it chasing toddlers outside of the sanctuary! =) After church, we enjoyed the evening with Susan's (Randy's mom) family for dinner and a gift exchange. The most fun of all was watching Lucy (almost 16 months) & Julia (3 years 8 months) open their gifts. Lucy was most interested in her trike and a SpongeBob book & Julia loved her pink bike from Grandpa & Grandma, her favorite that night seemed to be anything Hello Kitty. We feel so blessed.

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1 comment:

Jana said...

She looks so grown-up! And I love her dress, it's gorgeous!