Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lucy & Ryah

Here are two of my favorite girls! This is Lucy with my good friend Ali's daughter, Ryah. Ali & Ryah helped put on the baby shower for Rashmi last week & Ryah was such a huge help! She was great keeping Lucia entertained while we (especially Ali) worked really hard getting everything setup just so. It was a fantastic day! Without a doubt, the best part of the day was after the shower was over... I'm actually getting teary eyed just thinking of this! Once most of everyone had left, my kind & caring parents were cleaning everything up & I was with Lucy, Ali, Ryah, Meera, Rashmi & of course baby Sutton (still inside Rashmi) just hanging out in my parent's room. We were lounging on the bed & the floor, just talking girl talk & making Lucy pose in silly pictures touching Rashmi's belly. It was the quality heart to heart time that I so rarely get with my closest friends these days - I miss it terribly & cherish it more than they'll ever know! Rashmi lives in DC & Ali's just 45 min away from me in Centralia, but even though we may see eachother from time to time, those real true unrushed, unplanned, quality moments are the ones I really treasure. I love you girls so very much!! Thank you for being you!
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