Saturday, April 25, 2009

A day with Uncle Mark!

A couple days before Mark left for the Boston Marathon, Lucy & I were able to spend the afternoon with him - it was great! I wish I had a few other pics from the day, but these are good ones of when we stopped by Randy's parent's house to say hello. Dennis & Susan always love seeing Mark & we had fun walking down to the lake to see their latest project - the beautiful boathouse! At their house, there's always a project going & it's so fun to see how active they are! As for the rest of the day, Mark went with us on our weekly trip to Trader Joe's. He figured out one of my incentives to drive up to UP - right next to TJ's is Great Harvest Bread & when you go in they give big delicious samples of their tasty treats... Needless to say Mark enjoyed both his & mine! It was priceless to see Mark wearing Lucy around in the Ergo carrier as we shopped at a few stores - he's such a good uncle & it's awesome to see what he thinks of to show Lucy. We love you Uncle Mark, thank you for a great day!!

Fast forward a few days & then Mark ran the BOSTON MARATHON! He was incredible! He slashed 6 minutes off his time (and it was a much harder course with hills) & finished at 2:51:31 which puts him in the qualifying time for both the New York & Chicago Marathons! He's now settled on Chicago (although I think he'll end up accomplishing all 5 big ones - NY, Boston, Chicago, London & Berlin) and will be heading out to the Windy City in October! We're sooooo proud of you little brother!

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