Saturday, November 7, 2009

Meeting Mr. Jordan Blake!

There's a new baby in town! My good friend and former coworker, Rachel Conte Blake, had her second baby a couple months ago & these are photos from Lucy & I finally meeting him! Rachel, Josh, Brandon (2 yrs) & Jordan (2 months) live up in Seattle. They have an adorable home & it is absolutely alive with fun now that they have 2 little boys - Lucy loved it! Lucy & Brandon had a great time playing with all of his new birthday toys - Happy late birthday B! I enjoyed a bit of snuggle time with this sweet little bundle, Jordan is an adorable little boy & I am so excited to watch him grow up! Thank you Rach for a fun afternoon! Love you guys!!

Prior to visiting the Blake's, we did a bit of shopping at U Village - these are photos from Lucy's time on the big toy... just before she crashed into the toy & had a giant egg on her forehead for about a week! Poor little Lucy! Now that she's walking all over the place, she's constantly bruised!

1 comment:

rachel.blake said...

So fun to have you guys over! I wish there wasn't such a distance between our houses so we could do it way more often. I'm still kicking myself for not getting pictures of B and Lucy with bulb syringes up their noses! haha!