Saturday, October 3, 2009

An ode to Uncle Gene

This was a photo from the last night we spent together with Uncle Gene. Uncle Gene Amondson was my dad's oldest brother & the father of my cousins Rachel (in the photo), Isaac, Andrew & Nathan. Gene was an artist, a pastor, and an incredibly unique man with a passionate love for the Lord. He lived on Vashon Island where he was affectionately known as the woodcarver & his property unique with all of his carvings, fit in quite nicely with all of Vashon's colorful people. Uncle Gene loved berry pies & being with family - he loved sugar and hated margarine. He was a constant joker & used to type all his emails in CAPS LOCK & sign them YOUR REAL DAD. I think of him daily, just this evening while I was singing Lucy to sleep (for the second time), I felt Gene was looking down on us. Gene & his love Nancy raised their kids as naturally as can be - attachment parenting believers before it was ever known... Nancy nursed her kids until they were 3 or 4 & so naturally Gene knew a fair amount of the lingo ... he used to tell me while I was pregnant that he would be my LaLecheLeague coach ;-) I could go on & on writing about what I love & miss about Gene... maybe I will finish it up another day soon... He passed peacefully in July after a massive stroke, he died at the hospital with all of his loved kids at his side. I love you Uncle Gene, thank you for your impact on my life.
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1 comment:

karmeno said...

So sorry for your loss Christy. I never got to meet your uncle Gene but your family always spoke so lovingly of him. I'm thankful I at least got to know him through your family's affectionate sharing.