Monday, February 22, 2010

Scared of our showerhead?

So, as Lucy sleeps this afternoon, I'm catching up on some of the forums & blogs I follow... Just came across this story about showerheads that I'll give you the link to - yikes! The more I look into things, the scarier it gets... First it was worries about the shower curtain - so we got rid of it & now have glass doors... then it was worries about Lucy's bath toys so we got rid of them & she began enjoying showers almost more than baths... Now I learn this and not only do I worry about the showerhead, but my mind thinks beyond that... to the pipes and the well... Geez Louise! We are in the early phases of thinking about a home addition & you can bet that a water filtration system is going to be a very important detail....

Here's the link:

On a happy sunny springy note, we had the most wonderful afternoon! Lucy & I ran up to the MultiCare pharmacy for a quick errand & then picked up lunch & met Randy at the park! It was a perfect sunny afternoon & we had a great time! Awww, love the feeling of spring in the air!

1 comment:

Jana said...

I don't know, I think my glass shower doors are harder to clean, although I don't wash the shower curtain in the other bathroom that often. But at least I can.